Thursday, July 3, 2014

Coconut Water taste good?! No... add a little something extra

I was at World Market a week ago and I was in the mood to buy healthy food and beverages. There was a bottle of Parrot Coconut Water for under $2!! I've heard a thing or two about coconut water and surprisingly have not seen it in any nearby stores. When I tried it though I was very disappointed, it was so bad I started gagging and I forced myself to drink just a little more.

Side Note: I just asked my younger brother what's another word for "I" and he said "replace it with "me" hummm lets try that "When Me tried it though Me was very disappointed, it was so bad Me started gagging..."

A few days later I decided maybe I should add a few ingredients to the coconut water so I can bear with the taste. I added Country Time Lemonade powder, and chopped strawberries. The coconut water was used as a replacement to regular water. So to every 8oz. of coconut water is a half scoop of lemonade powder (or you can try just a few tsp. of powder) I used about 5 medium strawberries, but its optional to just toss in 1 or 20. And don't just limit yourself to strawberries, there is limitless options pineapples? apples? pines??

Strawberry Lemonade Coconut Water
8 oz. Coconut Water
Half Scoop Lemonade Powder
Chopped Strawberries

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